Fast, Easy, Cost-Effective Solution for BGA Reballing, low-volume ball attach, or alloy conversion for RoHS compliance.
Winslow Automation has been advancing lead finish and soldering technology for the military and aerospace, telecommunications, medical, and consumer electronics industry since its inception in 1986. Winslow Automation's soldering solutions for electronic component solder application and repair includes consumables as well as equipment.
Order your BGA Preforms!
BGA preforms are "built to order".
Estimated ship date within 3-4 business days, subject to factory loading.
BGA Reballing Solutions

Our Featured Product
October 2009
Press Release: Winslow Automation Achieves AS9100 and ISO 9001:2008 Certification
October 2009
Press Release: SIX SIGMA Achieves AS9100 and ISO 9001:2008 Certification